Apr 30, 2020
Daniel speaks with Davide Fichera, the co-founder of Nina Mur
Eyewear from Madrid, Spain.
Apr 23, 2020
Daniel speaks with Zachary Tipton, the founder of Tipton Eyeworks about their unique eyewear made from a variety of recycled products and the donation of their entire 2020 line of Rx eyewear to the front line heroes of healthcare infighting Coronavirus in Hungary.
Apr 16, 2020
For our 100th podcast, it couldn't be more fitting than to be speaking with none other than Cathy Ives, the founder of The Optical Vision Site and Optical Vision Resources, the precursors to The Optical Journal and the founder/owner/operator of the premier website on ecology, Green Eco Services.
Apr 9, 2020
Daniel, Nikki DiBacco, and Robert Bell, the founders of The Visionaries Group, get back together for a special COVID-19 podcast episode talking about what shops can do to prepare to reopen better than ever.
Apr 2, 2020
Daniel speaks with Manuel Torres, the founder of Manu Torres Eyewear, from Spain.